Friday, April 9, 2010

Best Parenting or New Mom Book?

As a book lover convinced that all questions and problems can be discovered through careful research and reading, when I had my first child I spent a lot of time finding books to help guide my parenting strategies.

The Baby Book by William Sears is one of my top recommendation to new parents. The first time I heard the term "nighttime parenting" was from this book. Not only did Dr. Sear's advice affirm my instincts that babies needed attention and love not just in the day, but also through the night. But he gave real strategies for making this time more loving and relaxing for both mom (dad) and baby.

There is a lot of practical advice in the book, dealing with bathing baby, immunizations, personality types, etc. It's a go-to sort of manual that works like the Dr. Spock books of an earlier generation. It's hard to imagine how many little questions you'll have throughout the early years, but it's nice to have a place to find answeres. By the time I was ready to pass my original copy on to friends, it was well-worn and only a bit stained with pureed carrots.

I'm always looking for more smart books about raising kids. Especially now that we've entered the school-age years, I'd love to find some good books for that age group.

Please share your recommendations!

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